Category Archives: sql backup job

sql backup job

How to Backup SQL Database Automatically Using SSMS

If you are looking for a tutorial on how to backup SQL database automatically with SSMS just follow the instructions below. Note however that there are better ways to backup SQL Server database than SSMS. This is especially true when you are running MS SQL Server Express that lacks SQL Server Agent – just use SQLBackupAndFTP instead of the method below.

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Backup SQL Server on the network

SQLBackupAndFTP creates standard *.bak files when it runs locally on the same computer where SQL Server is. For remote SQL Server computer backups SQLBackupAndFTP creates backup script files (*.sql). Whenever possible, you should always opt for *.bak backups against *.sql backup files.

Here we will show you how to backup a SQL Server on the network to the standard *.bak file even when SQLBackupAndFTP runs on a different computer from where the SQL Server is. The main requirement, in this case, is that both SQL server and SQLBackupAndFTP have access to the same shared network folder.

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